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한국 Korean

Korean words about people, human, family

Korean words about people, human, family

나 I
사람 Person
우리 we, our
사회 culture,society
그녀 She
그 He
소년 A boy
노인 Old person
아이 Child
청소년 Young boys and girls, teenagers
인간 A person, a human being
인류 The human race
인물 A man, a person
어머니 Mom
엄마 Mamma
아버지 Father
아빠 Dad
자기 Oneself
여성 Female
남성 male
남자 Boy
남녀 Man and woman
남편 Husband
부모 Parents
아들 son,baby
아내 Wife
할머니 Grandmother
할아버지 Grandfather
가족 Family
부부 Man and wife
언니 Older sister(girl to girl)
형 An elder brother(boy to boy)
오빠 Older brother (girl to boy)
교사 Instructor
선생님 teacher
어른 A man, an adult
어린이 A youngster, a child
손님 Customer
아나운서 Announcer

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