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부정문에서 동의하는 표현 Neither과 either 사용하기

English Grammar - Either & Neither

부정문에서 동의하는 표현
Neither과 either 사용하기

A: I don't like to drive.
B: I also do not like to drive.
=Me neither.
=I don't either.
=Neither do I.

A: I can't skate.
B: I also can't skate.
=Me neither.
=I can't either.
=Neither can I.

A: I don't have a car.
B: I also don't have a car.
=Me neither.
=I don't either.
=Neither do I.

A: I haven't seen Titanic.
B: I also haven't seen Titanic.
=Me neither.
=I haven't either.
=Neither have I.

A: Jin can't have peanuts.
B: I also can't eat peanuts.
=Me neither.
=I can't either.
=Neither can I.


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